Hi ho Daddy-o, it was the Relix Riot at the Gilmore Car Museum in Hickory Corners Michigan and it was one heck of a hootenanny. Only pre-’64 cars and pre’65 trucks need apply for this Traditional Hot Rod and Custom show. It was just good old fashion hot rods like they were built in the ’40’s, ’50’s and early ’60s. 10 years and going strong for this riotous rodding rumble, it appears this show is here to stay.
To keep the faithful coming you need to offer the goods and the Relix Riot proffered the perfect recipe for a hot rodders dream day. To break this down into some straight forward facts, you need to start with a supremely fine base. First, a location that pays meticulous homage to the world of Automobilia that we hold so near and dear. Check, the incomparable Gilmore Car Museum. Second, add to that a prime and select traditional Rods and Customs. Check and check. Then carefully mix the right dose of swinging tunes, decked out lads and lassies, and a swap meet to die for. Finally, finish it off with mighty fine diner food and there you have it, the perfect show. Better known as the Relix Riot.
There were Traditional Hot Rods
Crazy Customs
Radical Rides
And Cool Crusiers
Our hats are off to the folks that keep this one of a kind show going. Its a tall order to keep ’em coming but these cats have the perfect recipe down! Now set your way back machine to the time before muscle cars, digital dashes and billet components. You won’t be roaming over rat rods or art cars either. Take a look at a Traditional Hot Rod show, Relix Riot style.
Now mosey on over to the Most Recent Show Gallery and check out the rest of the Old Skool Kool that was the 10th annual Relix Riot!
Do yourself a favor and mark your calendars for next year. This show is only going to get bigger and better! Keep tabs on the FaceBook page that has all the deets on this Hot Rodding happening.
The Gilmore Car Museum is a bucket list must for anyone with gears in their head. Do yourself a favor and hit up their website, and plan a trip!
Are you down to get the skinny on these show stoppers once a week? Drop us a line and we’ll hook you up so you’ll be in the know.
Till the next time – Keep on Kruzin!