Sometimes you see a ride and you just have to take a step back and say “Dang”! And “Dang” it was when I laid my eyes on this outrageous combo. It was at the Ducktail Run and I was immediately smitten. I mean this ride’s got it all, even the kitchen sink! It’s a VW for the books with everything else you might need in your travels. The master of this turquoise universe has ALL the bases covered. For outdoor adventure there’s the custom scooter “Lil’ Bug” and then there’s the “Water Bug” when you feel the need to catch a wave and hang ten. Then there’s the work horse, a VW Kombi pickup “Bug-A-B00” to haul it all. When the day is done, there’s rest and relaxation in the “Bed Bug”. I can only imagine some version of a “Fly” has to be in the works. Nothing about this ride will bug you. Now feast your eyes on one of the most creative self contained conveyances going, but leave the Raid on the shelf!
Till the next time – Keep on Kruzin